SITA OptiDirect is a module of SITA OptiFlight. Based on historical tracks flown and weather forecasts, SITA OptiDirect recommends shortcuts that save the most time and fuel on a specific flight.

Take a smarter track
SITA OptiDirect builds an airline-specific database of waypoint-to-waypoint tracks flown, using machine learning which draws on historical flight data and aviation waypoint databases. In tandem, it builds tail-specific predictive performance models and feeds them with 4D weather forecasts, operational flight plan (OFP) inputs and the airline-specific waypoint route database. The result? Recommendations of the optimum shortcuts for fuel burn and time-savings, customized to each flight and aircraft.

Reduce the burden on pilots
The solution tells pilots how much time and fuel could be saved on that specific flight as well as the number of times the recommended shortcut has been flown before. Armed with this information, pilots can be more confident in requesting the shortcut from Air Traffic Control (ATC). What’s more, SITA OptiDirect integrates seamlessly into existing cockpit systems and apps, making it simple to use.
Supported by SITA Global Customer Service & Operations
SITA OptiDirect is supported by SITA Global Customer Service & Operations (CS&O) , which provides global business continuity through a flexible service model. Our monitoring service ensures your IT systems are reliable and available, around the clock and around the world. Our experts proactively monitor your infrastructure, identifying and resolving problems before they impact your business.
See how customers are succeeding with SITA
SITA OptiDirect, which our pilots have been using since January 2020, aligns perfectly with our continued efforts towards implementing more eco-flying solutions and contributes to our sustainability commitments.