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With the right biometrics in place, digital travel is seamless, simple, fast and secure. It can increase capacity, optimize resources and improve security. Our FREE white paper points the way ahead for airports, airlines, passengers, governments and border agencies.

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Proven technology

Proven technology

SITA Smart Path is the world’s only proven fully end-to-end biometric passenger processing solution. It covers every step of the passenger journey – from mobile enrolment to aircraft boarding and beyond.

Mobile enabled

Mobile enabled

SITA Flex is the most popular and widely used common use platform. It integrates seamlessly with SITA Smart Path to deliver mobile-enabled and low-touch travel. It empowers your staff and gives passengers greater control of their journeys.



Whatever your budget you can benefit from SITA Smart Path. It integrates with your existing infrastructure, so you don’t have to deploy the whole biometric solution at once. You can add to it when timeframe and budget allow.

Your world-class partner

Your world-class partner

SITA is a recognized world leader in biometrics. We have already transformed air travel in airports around the world. Our FREE white paper could be the start of your digital journey.

Do you have a question? We are here, ready to help.

Get in touch

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SITA Smart Path Kiosks

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SITA Smart Path Bag Drop

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