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The COVID-19 crisis is a human crisis. Recognizing this, ‘keeping employees safe and well’ became the number one priority for SITA’s management in 2020 and into the future.

The COVID-19 crisis is a human crisis. Recognizing this, ‘keeping employees safe and well’ became the number one priority for SITA’s management in 2020 and into the future.

SITA’s HR team priorities in 2020 and 2021: navigating through change in the face of COVID-19

Keeping SITA’s people safe and informed, and quickly setting up remote working to protect employee health, backed by wellness resources and other measures.

Keeping people connected, through guidance and regular communication, and embracing technology to enable home-working while maintaining productivity.

Delivering what matters through people manager training, focusing SITA on an EBITDA special incentive, and continuing to transform SITA’s talent and skills for the future.

Throughout the year, SITA’s ‘HR heroes’ went above and beyond in responding quickly to the crisis. Priorities set in 2020 remain in place. They include the mental and physical wellbeing of employees, ensuring SITA’s people stay connected centrally and locally, and enabling people managers to support their teams’ performance during the uncertainty of the pandemic.

SITA people and skills are central to the company’s business strategy and organizational transformation. Despite the pandemic, initiatives focused on identifying and developing skills and proficiencies for SITA’s targeted professions, such as Technology Management, and Product and Project Management. These professions underpin customer satisfaction, delivery and development.

SITA expertise everywhere


nationalities represented throughout SITA in almost every corner of the globe.


SITA staff work in countries across the world. Global and local, we are one of the most international fcompanies on earth.


locations have a SITA presence, with staff working in 280+ cities.


countries have a SITA presence.


of SITA staff work in customer-facing roles, including customer service and support.


different languages spoken.

Key people strategic directions
for SITA in 2020 and beyond


of every SITA employee during an extraordinary and tough year, promoting and maintaining a healthy workplace culture.


of all staff through open and transparent communication, sharing feedback and achievements to maintain a motivating and engaging workplace.

Building skills through learning

growth and development using world-class learning resources, while advancing profession-specific learning and helping to build skills for the future.

People manager

initiatives continued to build and develop SITA’s people manager community, and prepare the 2021 launch of a global people management development program.

Bench strength

across all SITA professions and levels remains vital, giving SITA the ability to immediately fill critical positions from its own talent pool.


SITA’s organization, culture, people and skills to enable resilience and an agile operating and delivery model for customers – a critical part of SITA’s wider transformation program.

Key achievements and milestones in the year

Rapid response

by SITA’s HR Country Managers and Location Leaders as the crisis struck, to keep SITA’s people safe and informed. 3,300+ employees supported by HR in fast adaptation to work from home.


among the Forbes list of the world’s best multinational employers in 2020.


initiatives set up to connect people and support wellbeing, helped by program of webinars. 150+ local virtual events organized by HR Country Managers and Location Leaders.

Talent development

during the pandemic remained a major focus as part of SITA’s transformation, supporting skills enhancement and strategic professional development.

People and performance

a key focus as SITA HR helped managers to enable good team performance through webinars and learning resources.


learning hours clocked up by SITA employees in 2020. 98% achievement of the 40 hours per employee target for virtual learning in 2020, despite the challenges of lockdown.

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