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The need for greater resilience to weather has never been more critical. We're living - and flying - in an era of increasingly frequent and severe weather events driven by climate change. Flight disruptions already cost airlines $60 billion every year. We need to find new ways to stay ahead of the hazardous weather and turbulence, and to do this in any meaningful way, we must collaborate. Sharing weather awareness helps us all make better decisions and improve the industry's resilience to changing weather conditions.

Satelite Satelite

Discover how to strengthen your airline's weather resilience

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Download e-book

In the e-book, we explore how flight plans and static weather charts are no longer sufficient for modern aviation challenges and the need for a real-time, collaborative solution that keeps everyone in the loop and enables proactive decision-making.

E-book highlights:

  • What expert voices say about the future of aviation weather forecasting
  • Strategies for implementing collaborative weather awareness across and between airlines and Air Navigation Service Providers
  • How airlines are already improving safety and efficiency with advanced weather tools

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Listen to Great Circle Podcast

Join SITA Senior Product Manager Ian Gray and pilot Thomas Amdal as they discuss:

  • The challenges of traditional flight planning and weather forecasting
  • The future of collaborative decision-making in aviation
  • Practical steps for implementing weather awareness solutions in your operations
Read our latest blog

Read our latest blog

Our latest blog explores how innovative technology gives pilots the confidence to fly with real-time intuitive weather awareness and avoid hazardous weather, while keeping the dispatcher and ATC up-to-speed using shared views.

Key highlights:

  • Real-world experiences from veteran pilot Thomas Amdal
  • The game-changing impact of tools like eWAS on flight deck operations
  • How shared weather visualization platforms are enhancing collaboration across aviation roles

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Explore the products behind weather resilience

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Climate change is making flight weather planning a turbulent ride. But what if we told you there's a smoother way?

Learn how small steps can lead to big operational wins in handling rough weather.

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