Discover how SITA Flex as a Service (FaaS) sets your airline free to reimagine passenger journeys
Use the simple set of APIs to move beyond the restrictions of common-use standards and certification.
Gain a competitive advantage by being first-to-market with new services that meet the high expectations of today’s passengers.
Let your passengers enjoy touchless and fully-mobile experiences at every step in their journey.
Overcome budget and staffing challenges by making more flexible use of agents and infrastructure, and by driving down energy costs.
Flex your thinking
Experience how FaaS brings a new era of passenger processing
to your airline, with smarter resourcing, tighter cost control,
and seamless passenger experiences.

Time for change
Explore the latest industry research and insights in our Reasons for Change Guide.
Learn how your airline will benefit from driving innovation, and gain a competitive advantage.

Get started
Read our Step-by-Step Guide and discover how flexible FaaS APIs easily integrate with your existing investments. Then explore the expert help we offer to bring your innovation initiatives to life.
Ready for a conversation?
Get in touch with our FaaS specialists on or contact your
local SITA representative.